Mighty Mo

Last night I invented a new pleasure, and as I was giving it the first trial an angel and a devil came rushing toward my house. They met at my door and fought with each other over my newly created pleasure; the one crying, "It is a sin!" -- the other, "It is a virtue!" - The New Pleasure- Gibran Khalil Gibran

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

You Win Some, You Lose Some!

Last week was a memorable one in many ways. I spent a week in my favorite city- Sydney. Like a friend was telling me the other day, the minute you exit the airport, you can feel that Sydney is different. The air is so crisp and fresh, the people all beautiful with well toned bodies and it’s oh-so-clean!

On my last visit, I mostly traveled by cab so didn’t really experience the city except like a tourist would. This time I took the train around, got quite lost in the maze of malls that dot the city center. I love Sydney also for its food. It’s one place where you get really authentic food. A 10-course Chinese meal to Mediterranean fare, I tried everything and loved most of it.

Another reason for it being a memorable week was the overwhelming response to one of my previous blogs-NO, I am not a Maharashtrian! Thanks to the person who forwarded the link to other interested people. A big thank you to everybody who read the post and left encouraging comments. I have started believing that people actually like to read my posts.

Last weekend was also my first Diwali in Singapore. There was a dinner organized for all the Indian families in the condo complex I stay. Crackers, decked up women, sweets, a fancy dinner…the works! The operative word here though was FAMILY. Not really the best place for a single working woman, I learnt again. My hopes of meeting likeminded, fun loving, young people were dashed once more.

And the ‘icing’ on the cake was of course a virus affecting my yahoo account making my account inoperable. It is an account that I have had since the 90s. It has been restored now but for a day I felt like I had been robbed of my identity. Moral of this story- you win some, you lose some!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dreams-Mirror Inner Feelings Or Future Life?

While it's been sometime since I had this dream or should I call it a nightmare. It has intrigued me so much that I have felt the need to look it up to see what it means. www.dreammoods.com is the site that I picked to find interpretations to my dream

The recurrent dream that I have had in the past ( thankfully its been some time since I had it) is that of cats or kittens biting me. I can actually feel those incredibly sharp teeth sinking into my fingers. And man is it painful!!! As a child we used have cats at home as pets and have been very fond of them. But in the past year or so they look evil to me. And what you fear when you know its silly , you begin to hate. To make matters worse, cats in Singapore are considered sacred so there are stray cats everywhere you go. So the nightmare seemed like it was getting real. It was time I found the signifcance of what the dream meant. Here is what the site says “To dream that a cat is biting you, symbolizes the devouring female. Perhaps you are taking and taking without giving. You may be expressing some fear or frustration especially when something is not going as planned.” The frustration bit seems plausible coz in some ways I am a control freak and it does get to me if things don’t go the way I have planned it.

I did check some of my other dreams which are pleasant enough and occur at regular frequencies. The explanation to those seemed pretty plausible as well, though I did have my own interpretations to them. The site also gives interpretations which are not just about your inner feelings but also some that serve as portents. I am not sure how true those are but it did make me delve into history and mythology for examples that I remember from childhood tales. The one I was looking for was the birth of the Buddha. His mother- the Queen Mahamaya is believed to have dreamt of a white elephant carrying a lotus flower. I remember there was much more to this, but couldn’t find what I was looking for. The interpretation to this dream was that a son would be born to the queen. The child would either grow to be a great king or an enlightened man. Now consider this, if you were invited to interpret the dream for a powerful couple who haven’t been able to conceive for twenty years, what would you tell them? Obviously what they want to hear- a son who will be great in some way or the other! That’s what I find astrologers do too, they tell you all the good stuff that you want to hear and some bad stuff so they can make money. Win-win like all the good things in life!